Hochwertige Coversounds für Yamaha, Korg & Nord | Thorsten Hillmann

Keine Zeit oder keine Lust die benötigten Sounds zu programmieren? Kurzfristiger Anruf? Du kannst es spielen, aber die Coversounds fehlen?

Genau da komme ich mit www.keyboard-sounds.com ins Spiel. Anklicken, bezahlen, downloaden und direkt los legen! Die Verteilung der Sounds ist sehr einfach aus den dazugehörigen Videos zu entnehmen. Für einige Sounds gibt es auch ein PDF, welches im Download vorhanden ist.

If you can't find a sound, just get in touch with me. I can provide support for all the devices and software mentioned.

Click here to go to the store for cover sounds: www.keyboard-sounds.com


– Arturia V Collection 9
– GigPerformer 5 (4 zum Teil)
– Korg Collection 4
– Korg Kronos / Nautilus
– Mainstage 3
– Nord Stage 3
– Roland Fantom 07
– Roland Cloud XV5080
– Studiologic Numa X Piano
– Yamaha Modx + / Montage M

FAQ Coversounds

– Arturia V Collection 9 (Software)
– GigPerformer 3 / 4 (Software)
– Korg Collection 4 (Software)
– Korg Kronos (OS 3.0) / Nautilus
– Mainstage 3 (Software)
– Nord Stage 3 (OS 2.62)
– Roland Fantom 07
– Roland Cloud XV5080 (Software)
– Studiologic Numa X Piano (OS 2.3.1)
– Yamaha Modx + (OS 2.5) (OS 1.0) / Montage M (OS 3.5) (OS 1.0)

– Arturia V Collection 9 (73 Tasten)
– GigPerformer 3 / 4 (73 Tasten)
– Korg Collection 4 (73 Tasten)
– Korg Kronos / Nautilus (73 Tasten)
– Kurzweil PC4 (88 Tasten)
– Mainstage 3 (73 Tasten)
– Nord Stage 3 OS (88 Tasten)
– Roland Fantom 07 (76 Tasten)
– Roland Cloud XV5080 (73 Tasten)
– Studiologic Numa X Piano (73 Tasten)
– Yamaha Modx + / Montage (61 Tasten)

In my Online Shop or by e-mail to sounds@thorsten-hillmann.de. You will find all prices and offers on the subpages. The invoice will be sent by e-mail.

There are various payment options in the store. If you order by e-mail, you will find the bank details for bank transfer on the invoice, as well as a QR code/e-mail for Paypal payments.

There is a download link in the store immediately after receipt of payment. After receipt of payment, I send a download link to the required files or the files themselves as quickly as possible. Normally this happens within 24 hours. For special compilations, we will discuss the time frame. Under certain circumstances, a surcharge of 1€ - 4€ may apply. On request, the whole thing is also available as a USB stick (surcharge of 10€ and 1 week shipping time).

In the store there is a flat-rate discount from a sales quantity of 10 sounds. If you would like to order individual items more often, please contact us by e-mail and we will see what options we have.


There is a video tutorial on my YouTube channel. I can also send you a .PDF explaining the exact procedure. The procedures of Korg, Yamaha, Nord and Kurzweil and the software differ.

Then send me an e-mail to sounds@thorsten-hillmann.de and I'll see if I can program the sound for you or if I simply haven't created a demo for it yet. If I have to create the sound, I will only charge for it in the end if it meets my requirements. In any case, you will get a demo if you are also satisfied.

Then simply write to us and we'll solve the problem together. By e-mail, chat, phone or video call. I usually respond within 24 hours with an initial contact!
The first 10 minutes are free of charge. After that, I charge the rate for telephone workshops.

Please understand that I can't invest an hour for free to install a 5€ sound. I simply don't have the time.
If you buy more, I will round up the first 10 minutes.

Just send me an e-mail to kontakt@thorsten-hillmann.de and I will answer your question and include it here!

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