The page for keyboard players

How does it do that? How can I do this? What do I have to do?
There are still so many Buttons and menus that I've never actually used...! 

Lots of questions that need to be answered. Best in one of my keyboard workshops!

Not everyone likes to read the manual (it's a lot and not always practical, and some things aren't detailed enough) and not everyone likes to watch YouTube videos. Sometimes it really helps to talk to each other and have it explained in person. At least that's how I often feel. And that's exactly what I want to offer you. 

Personal help! Whether by phone, video or on site. Direct questions, direct answers and no annoying searching! That's exactly what you get in one of our workshops!

The whole process is as follows: No matter which format you choose, there will be a free preparatory meeting beforehand. Here we talk about what you would like to do. The main purpose of this is to give me an overview of the topic and, if necessary, to prepare a little more. Because later in the workshop, it's your time and your money! 



Here are a few examples:

 Basic settings, Program mode (Timbre), Combination (Performance), Effects (insert, master), sequencer, pads, routing, set, List (Live Set), connection to DAW, Midi, Voice Editing, and much more...

I currently offer workshops for the following keyboards and software:r...

– Arturia V Collection 9
– GigPerformer 3 / 4
– Korg Collection 4
– Korg Kronos / Nautilus
– Mainstage 3
– Nord Stage 3
– Roland Cloud XV5080
– Studiologic Numa X Piano
– Yamaha Modx + / Montage


Phone: 50€ / h
Video: 60€ / h
On site: 70€ / h (travel and accommodation if required will be discussed)

FAQ for Workshops

No, you don't have to have a camera. Of course I am happy when we "see" each other and it is not a disadvantage if you can show me your keyboard, but it is not a prerequisite for a functioning and effective workshop!

I use different tools: I prefer Teams and Zoom. iMessage and Whats App also work. If you prefer to use a different tool, I'd be happy to get to grips with it.

Grundsätzlich alles was ihr wissen möchtet. Über die Grundlagen des Sound auswählen, splitten, layern, sequenzer, arpeggiator, samplen und so weiter. Einzig Karma am Korg Kronos befasse ich mich nur mit dem Wechsel von Sounds!

I currently only offer workshops for the devices mentioned. To run a workshop, I really need to know a lot about the keyboard and be able to use it in my sleep.

In any case, if it is the software mentioned in the list.

I'll be happy to help you with that too. The topic is somewhere between here and the technical advice at home! Let's just talk about how I can help you.

Definitely. If the distance is suitable, it can certainly be arranged.

Please send me an e-mail to:

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